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Why Would You Modify Your Child Custody Orders?

    There are various types of child custody that you could be enrolled in. Regardless of the type, you may want to fight for a modification in your child custody order. This process must be done in court and may be for the following reasons:

    • Current child support orders
    • Existing custody orders
    • Existing visitation orders
    • Medical and support orders

    The Fetty Firm can help clients obtain changes in their child’s custody. Rashelle Fetty has several years of experience in family court. She can help clients with a wide range of family-related hearings. Fetty was included on the 2020 Texas Rising Stars list that was awarded to the state’s top 2.5% attorneys. This accolade and many others are why you should get in touch with her firm.

    Reasons for Modification of Orders

    Legal Assistance with the Adoption Process

    The Fetty Firm can help fight for your child.

    There are several reasons you may want to modify your child’s custody orders. Common reasons include a change in job status, relocation, criminal charges, and significant changes in living conditions. The Fetty Firm understands how important your child is to you. Rashelle Fetty will work with you to change these orders.

    Any parent has a right to seek or defend the modification orders. Above all, you want what is best for your child. The Fetty Firm can help obtain what is best for them. There are various reasons why you would want to change your child’s orders. You may simply think it is the best interest of the child. You may also believe the other parent is not suited for the child’s care.

    So, why do you want to modify your child’s custody orders? Contact The Fetty Firm to enforce or request a change in your child’s custody order. Rashelle Fetty has worked with numerous clients to change visitation rights, child support, and custody overall. Moreover, she can help clients with divorce and then transition into child custody battles.

    All of Your Family Court Needs

    The Fetty Firm can help you with any of your legal family needs. If you need to modify your child’s custody orders, then get in touch with the firm today. Call (214) 546-5746 to get in touch with Rashelle Fetty. Be sure to visit the enforcement of modification orders on The Fetty Firm website too.

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