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Spousal Support in the State of Texas

    In Texas, spousal support is not part of a division of marital property or child support. A spouse temporarily pays from future income in order to support their ex-spouse after a divorce. Temporary spousal support refers to when the money is paid prior to the finalization of the divorce.

    Spousal support is a court-ordered alimony payment. Furthermore, courts determine the amount of spousal support based on available evidence and in the hope of making a fair decision for all parties involved. If you are currently seeking spousal support or you’re paying support, you should definitely acquire the services of a knowledgable Colleyville divorce lawyer and family law attorney to represent you. Rashelle Fetty and The Fetty Firm are ready to represent you in court and to find the best legal resolution for you.

    Spousal Support in the State of Texas

    Spousal Support in the State of Texas

    Qualifications for Spousal Support in Texas

    Courts can assign spousal support payments in instances when the petitioning spouse lacks enough money or assets for basic needs in addition to one of the following circumstances:

    • If a spouse is convicted of an act of family violence against the other spouse or the shared child while married. If the incident occurred during the divorce proceedings or within two years of filing for divorce
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      When the petitioning spouse can’t earn enough income needed for essential needs and the marriage lasted longer than ten years

    • If the petitioning spouse has custody of a child from the marriage. The child requires special care for mental or physical disability. In this instance, the petitioning cannot cover all expenses

    You should note that this is simply an overview of spousal support in the state of Texas. For more detailed information on spousal support in Texas, contact Rashelle Fetty and The Fetty Firm at your earliest convenience. You can reach us by calling (214) 546-5746. Moreover, you can learn more about spousal support by visiting our website.

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