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Modifying Child Support Orders

    In certain instances, it will be necessary to attempt to modify court orders pertaining to child support. Court orders can at times be unfair or unworkable from the start. Also, the circumstances that the court order was based on can change. Some of the circumstantial changes include children growing older, a change in financial standing, or a change in living arrangements. Whenever you are dealing with this type of case, your best bet is to acquire the services of an experienced attorney in family law cases. Rashelle Fetty has the experience and know-how to provide guidance and representation during the process.

    Texas Law firm to modify support orders

    Attorney for child support orders

    Child Support Modifications

    In Colleyville Texas, child support orders can be modified if at least one of the conditions below is met.

    • It has been more than three years since establishing the order or the last order modification
    • The amount of the order differs by from the amount that the guidelines set by 20% or $100
    • A substantial and material change occurs since the last child support order

    A material and substantial change applies if one of the following situations are true:

    • There are changes in the income of the parents that don’t have custody
    • Additional children become the legal responsibility of the non-custodial parent
    • There are changes in the child’s medical insurance coverage
    • If the child starts to live with a different parent

    Fortunately, the Fetty Firm and its sole and experienced attorney, Rashelle Fetty, can elaborate on all the stipulations and also help you submit a review request to the Office of the Attorney General of Texas. Additionally:

    Experienced Law Firm for court order modifications

    Consultation for modifying child support orders

    • Child support orders can only be modified through an in-person hearing (Child Support Review Process) or a hearing
    • Any type of informal agreements between the parents stated outside of the Review hearing, or court hearing do not change the original court order

    Above all, it is important to note that this is only an overview of these types of cases. If you wish to learn more, make sure to give us a quick call. You can reach us by calling (214) 546-5746. Furthermore, you can learn more about child support modifications by clicking here.

    What to Know About Terminating Parental Rights

      In the state of Texas, there are two ways that you terminate parental rights. The two avenues for terminating parental rights are voluntary termination and involuntary termination. Rashelle Fetty and The Fetty firm have the experience necessary to help clients when it comes to the process of terminating parental rights. When thinking about the termination of the parental rights of your former spouse, it is imperative that you have an experienced attorney representing you. With The Fetty Firm by your side, you can be sure that we’ll work diligently to get you the best resolution possible.

      Experienced Law Firm for termination of parental rights

      Consultation the termination of parental rights

      Ways to Terminate Parental Rights

      Voluntary Termination – This type of termination is when a parent agrees to terminate their parental rights. Additionally, the parent will fill out, sign, and file the proper paperwork. Thereafter, the parent will come into the court and testify that they are giving up their parental rights. Also, voluntary termination applies to both biological and adopted children.

      Involuntary termination – This type of termination consists of a parent’s rights being terminated without agreement. There are certain circumstances that lead to involuntary termination. Some of the factors that lead to involuntary termination include abuse, neglect, abandonment, lack of support, lack of acknowledgment, and other types of behaviors found to be criminal.

      Reasons for Involuntary Termination

      Overall, poor behavior can cause a parent to lose their parental rights. Reasons for involuntary termination include:

      • Abuse
      • Neglect
      • Abandonment
      • Criminal behavior that causes a child’s serious injury or death
      • A physically or mentally dangerous environment for the children
      • Refusal to support the child
      Texas Law Attorney for terminating parental rights

      Best Attorney in Colleyville Texas

      The reasons above are some of the most common ones, but each case is unique. Rashelle Fetty will take the time to learn about your specific case and will work diligently to protect you and your children. Moreover, we’ll advise clients on how parental termination cases work and how to best approach their case. Another important thing to keep in mind is that voluntary termination requires that the parent proves that they’re doing so in the best interest of the child. If you want more information regarding these types of cases, give us a call at your earliest convenience. You can reach us by calling (214) 546-5746. Finally, you can learn more about the termination of parental rights by clicking here.

      Spousal Support in Texas

        There are a few things you should keep in mind when dealing with spousal support in the state of Texas. Formerly known as spousal maintenance, spousal support is a court-ordered alimony payment. Courts will attempt to make a fair decision based on any available evidence, but oftentimes there will be parties who disagree with the fairness of that decision. When in need of support, or if you are the one providing support, it is important to have an experienced attorney on your side. The law office of Rashelle Fetty can represent you in court to get you the best chance of getting the best resolution for you.

        Legal assistance for spousal support cases

        Experienced Family Law Services for spousal support cases

        Things to Know About Spousal Support

        Courts will order spousal support if the petitioning spouse proves to have a lack of property or assets to provide for basic needs along with one of the circumstances below:

        • If the spouse is convicted of an act of family violence against the other spouse or other spouse’s child during the marriage. The incident has to have occurred during the divorce proceedings or within two years of the divorce being filed
        • The petitioning spouse has either a mental or physical disability that prevents them from earning income for basic needs
        • The petitioning spouse can’t earn income for basic needs and had been married for ten years or longer
        • If the petitioning spouse has custody of a child from the marriage and the child needs care for mental or physical disabilities. Due to the child’s disability, the petitioning spouse can’t earn enough income for basic needs

        There are certain factors that determine whether spousal support is appropriate. The courts will determine how much should be awarded and the period of time it will last. Here are some of the factors,

        • Available financial resources at the time of divorce
        • The educational and employment skills of each spouse
        • The length of the marriage
        • Child support

          Law firm for spousal support cases

          Spousal Support Legal Consultation

        If you wish to learn more about spousal support, contact The Fetty Firm for more information. You can reach Rashelle Fetty and The Fetty Firm by calling (214) 546-5746. Moreover, you can learn more about spousal support by clicking here.

        What You Should Know About Child Custody in Texas

          Parents always want their best for their children, and The Fetty Firm is here to help clients get the best possible resolutions for their custody cases. The litigation process for child custody cases in Texas can be very extensive, lengthy, and quite difficult. Therefore, it is generally a good practice to hire a family law attorney that has many years of experience and knowledge on Texas child custody law. The Fetty Firm and its sole attorney, Rashelle Fetty, has plenty of experience dealing with all types of child custody cases. You can rest easy knowing that we’ll work diligently to get you the best resolution to your particular case.

          Experienced Law Firm for Child Custody

          Consultation for child custody cases

          What You Should Know About Child Custody in Texas

          Here at The Fetty Firm, we make sure we keep our clients as informed as possible. Rashelle Fetty will advise and inform you of all the types of custody available to you. In addition, she will explain the specifics of each option thoroughly. There are four different types of custody options: joint, sole, temporary, and split.

          Types of Custody

          Joint Custody – Many people in Texas prefer to settle for joint custody, which is where both parents are awarded custody. Furthermore, there are three different types of joint custody.

          • Joint Legal Custody – Where both parents have the legal right to make decisions regarding the child
          • Shared Physical Custody – In this type of custody, the child has two legal residencies
          • Combination of Joint Legal and Physical Custody – This type of custody is determined by a number of factors. Consequently, you should definitely consult with Rashelle Fetty for more information

          Sole Custody – Sole custody means that only one parent has legal and physical custody. Even more, all decisions regarding the upbringing, education, health care, and other important matter fall under the parent with full legal custody.

          Temporary Custody – Temporary custody, usually, is the first step in child custody litigation. This type of custody determines where a child will reside at the start of the process. The court will determine where the child should reside based on the child’s best interests. Additionally, this type of custody is only short-term.

          Texas Law firm for child custody

          Attorney for child custody cases

          Split Custody – Split custody usually involves two or more children. The court may decide to award full physical custody of one or more children to one parent. However, neither parent will have full custody of all the children. A split custody arrangement can vary depending on numerous factors, such as the children’s age, where they wish to live, and other related factors.

          Contact The Fetty Firm today to learn more about child custody. You can reach The Fetty Firm by calling. Moreover, you can learn more about child custody by clicking here.

          Legal Assistance for Divorce Cases

            The Fetty Firm has the best legal assistance for divorce cases. So if you live in or near Colleyville, Texas and you are in the process of going through a divorce, contact The Fetty Firm at your earliest convenience. Our sole attorney, Rashelle Fetty, has over a decade of experience in the legal field. So you can rest easy knowing that your divorce case will have a resolution with your best interest in mind. Rashelle Fetty is truly committed to getting the best legal resolutions for all of her clients. In addition, we’ll make sure you are informed as possible.

            Our law firm can help you

            Law Firm for Divorce cases

            Divorce Cases in the State of Texas

            If you are thinking about getting a divorce in Texas, there are a few things you should keep in mind. Obviously, this is only a general overview, and each case has its own intricacies. If you have any questions regarding a divorce case in the state of Texas, the law office of Rashelle Fetty is available to answer any questions or concerns you may have. Grounds for divorce in Texas include adultery, abandonment, three years of confinement for incurable insanity, felony conviction and imprisonment for over one year, cruel and inhumane treatment, and insupportability. In the state of Texas, the most common ground for divorce is insupportability. In addition, here are some things that you should know about divorce cases in the state of Texas:

            • The process can be very lengthy. Some divorce cases can wrap up in as little as 2-3 months. Others can take as long as 18-24 months. The length of a case will depend on the complexities and intricacies of the case and the type of disagreement.
            • In Texas, the law does not recognize legal separation. So any type of debt or property acquired while married will be considered communal even if the couple separates without divorcing.
            • The best form of action when it comes to divorce cases is to have a quality law firm to represent your best interests
            Colleyville Texas Best Divorce Attorney

            Colleyville Texas Best Divorce Attorney

            You can reach The Fetty Firm by calling (214) 546-1059. Furthermore, you can learn more about divorce cases in Texas by clicking here.

            Living Will vs. Medical POA: Which Is Best?

              It’s important that you make arrangements for medical care before you really need it. However, there are a few ways that you can go about this. Two of the most common options are the living will and the medical power of attorney. Which one is better? We’ll explain each option in more detail to kelp you pick the best plan.

              Family law firm

              Your family will thank you for your careful planning.

              What is a Medical Power of Attorney?

              A medical power of attorney designated a person to act on your behalf. If you become incapacitated, this is the person who will make all of your healthcare decisions, including surgeries, medicines, and even termination of life. This privilege doesn’t kick in until you become incapacitated and are unable to make the decisions yourself.

              You and your medical power of attorney should have the same wishes regarding your healthcare. You both will have your best interests at heart, but you both may have different ideas of what that means.

              Colleyville TX Family Attorney Near Me

              Have you prepared for your future?

              What is a Living Will?

              A living will provides instructions for end-of-life care. This document goes into effect if you enter a totally vegetative state and addresses concerns such as resuscitation and life support. A living will make it easier for your loved ones to make the most difficult decisions. That because you’ll actually be the one giving that call.

              Why Not Both?

              A living will outline your wishes when you are in a severe medical state. Up until the point where there is practically no hope of recovery, someone else will be responsible for your medical decisions. If you don’t appoint a medical power of attorney, the hospital staff might make those decisions. In that case, it’s never certain which decisions will be made. Even if this doesn’t concern you much, your family may have additional peace of mind if you appoint someone special to make those decisions. However, when it comes to deciding whether to terminate your life, you can spare your loved ones lots of grief with a living will. As you can see, having both ensures that you receive the care that you want, up to the very end.

              The Fetty Firm can help you prepare and legalize both your medical power of attorney and your living will. Call us today at (214) 546-5746 to learn how to get started with drafting these documents. You can also click here to contact us online, and click here to learn more about living wills.

              Divorce Cases in Texas

                Unfortunately, marriages don’t always work out. With that being said, it is very important to make sure that you are informed about the intricacies of Divorce Cases in Texas. Divorce cases can be very stressing situations. Furthermore, in these types of cases, having an experienced law firm by your side can go a long way in helping you get the best resolution possible. The Fetty Firm has experience with many types of divorce cases and can help clients with many issues, including:

                Divorce Cases in Texas

                Divorce Cases in Texas

                • Effective and comprehensive divorce planning
                • Uncontested/Contested divorce cases
                • High Asset/High Net Worth Divorce Cases
                • Financial issues related to divorce. The issues can include establishing financial stability, filing for bankruptcy, and dividing assets and debt
                • Annulment of Marriages
                • Child custody, support orders and modifications
                • Temporary orders
                • Appeals to court orders
                • Post-divorce relocation
                • Prenuptial/Postnuptial agreements
                • Military Divorce

                Things to Note About Divorce Cases in Texas

                In the state of Texas, the grounds for divorce include abandonment, adultery, three years of confinement for incurable insanity, felony conviction and imprisonment for over a year, cruel and inhumane treatment, and insupportability. Furthermore, most of the divorces in Texas are filed under insupportability. Insupportability is synonymous with “irreconcilable differences.” Additionally, divorce cases can be lengthy. Some divorce proceedings can be resolved in as little as 2-3 months. On the other hand, some cases can take as long as 18 to 24 months. This all depends on the level of disagreement between the divorcees.

                Family Law Consultation

                Consultation for Divorce Cases

                Another thing you should note is that Texas does not recognize legal separation. Texas law considers any property or debt accumulated during a marriage community property. Moreover, the best form of action in these cases is to consult with an attorney of experience and a proven record. Above all, Rashelle Fetty and the Fetty Firm are here to get you the best settlement for your divorce case. So make sure to contact us by calling (214) 546-5746. Additionally, you can learn more about Divorce Cases in Texas by clicking here.

                Interested in Adopting?

                  Are you Interested in Adopting? If so, then you are ready to take a big step in your life. Adoption is a great way of forming families. Not only are you adding a new member to your family. You are also ensuring that a child can grow up in a loving and safe home. One thing to note though is the fact that the adoption process can be complex and tedious. Generally, the best bet is to make sure you have the services of an experienced and proven adoption attorney. The legal services of an experienced law firm will protect your rights while also ensuring that you get the best resolution for your case.

                  Interested in Adopting?

                  Interested in Adopting?

                  Are You Interested in Adopting?

                  As we stated above, adoption is a beautiful way to start a family. However, it does require a great deal of paperwork. Furthermore, any missteps along the way could cause the process to be declared invalid. Our sole attorney, Rashelle Fetty, will work diligently to prevent this painful and heartbreaking conclusion from happening to you.

                  Experienced Texas Law Attorney

                  Best Law Firm in Texas

                  Being aware of the requirements and guidelines for adoption in Texas is very useful. Prospective parents must be at least 21 years of age, financially secure, and have an environment with stable living. Parents who are interested in adopting will be subject to a home study, which will consist of a home inspection, background check, financial screening, and an overall evaluation of parenting skills and other aspects of life. Our firm has the expertise necessary to handle domestic, international, and private adoption cases. We also assist clients with parental rights cases. If you are in the midst of an adoption process, the best way to move forward is with the help of an experienced and knowledgable family law firm. You can get in touch with the Fetty Firm by calling (214) 546-5746, and click here to learn more about the adoption process.

                  What Is a Designation of Guardian?

                    One of the most important things when it comes to family legal matters is having a designated guardian in the case of unexpected events. In the case that an unfortunate event occurs, you want to make sure your children are under the safest supervision. So it is important to make sure that you designate a guardian for your children in the event that you become incapacitated or if you pass away. This is truly one of the most vital parts of estate planning.

                    What Is a Designation of Guardian?

                    What Is a Designation of Guardian?

                    So What Is a Designation of Guardian?

                    Designating a guardian is a great way of ensuring your children are cared for if you are unable to do so. If you ever become incarcerated, disabled, or you happen to pass away. The person that you designated as a guardian will become the legal guardian of your children. The designated person will have the authority to decide matters such as living arrangements, legal agreements, and medical and health care decisions. This designated individual is essentially responsible for making decisions that will take into account the child’s best interest. One thing to note is that the designated person could be disqualified for the following reasons:

                    • The State of Texas feels that the designated person is not fit to be a guardian. This could be due to poor conduct
                    • If the designated individual is deemed by the court to be inexperienced or incapable
                    • The person is a minor
                    • If the state discovers a conflict of interest. This could be by issues such as indebtedness to you, or also a property claim against you.
                    Family law firm

                    Experienced Family Lawyer in Texas

                    You can actually designate a guardian for yourself in the event that you are unable to care for yourself. And just like designating a guardian for your children. The designated individual will have legal authority over your affairs, and essentially your estate. Therefore, it makes sense to make sure the person you choose is a trustworthy individual. Additionally, the court may disqualify the person for similar reasons to the ones listed above. Contact the Fetty Firm by calling (214) 546-5746, and click here to learn more designating a guardian. With our services, you’ll never ask the question. What Is a Designation of Guardian?

                    Importance of Estate Planning

                      The Importance of Estate Planning is one thing that the Fetty Firm, P.C., is always promoting. The reason for this is the number of people who may not be aware of this important step in their lives. If you have yet to start taking care of your estate planning, then the time to do it is now. Parents should at least have a will and a designation of a guardian. And everybody, not just parents, needs to have an estate plan which will ensure that their desires are carried out appropriately. If you need assistance with your estate planning, the Fetty Firm’s experience in this area of law could prove very useful.

                      Importance of Estate Planning

                      Importance of Estate Planning

                      The Importance of Estate Planning

                      Estate planning is important as it makes sure that families are prepared for an unknown future. Things like accidents and deaths do happen, regardless of whether you want them to or not. So it makes sense to have a plan in the case of certain events happening. You want to make sure your properties and anything you own is properly distributed in the case of your death. The best way to do this is by having legal documents that will state your plans. Additionally, these documents declare what people or organizations you will distribute your wealth to.

                      Texas Law Attorney

                      Best Attorney in Colleyville Texas

                      Matters such as living wills, a designation of guardians, HIPAA forms, powers of attorney, and trusts are all areas that fall under our estate planning umbrella. These types of legal matters should be handled with an experienced and proven law firm. At the Fetty Firm, we make sure to inform all of our clients on the options available for them. Our sole attorney, Rashelle Fetty, has the experience necessary to ensure that every client gets the best consultation in regards to their estate planning. If you wish to get professional assistance on your estate planning, contact The Fetty Firm at your earliest convenience. You can reach us by calling (214) 546-5746 and click here to check out our estate planning services. The Importance of Estate Planning is something that should not be ignored, call the Fetty Firm today and see why we are a leading firm in the state.